Wednesday 2 January 2013

Desert Fox Erwin Rommel personally captures a whole French Unit!

Major general(later Field Marschall) Erwin Rommel was in the lead tank of his German 7th Panzer Division as it plunged over the Belgian border into France on May 16, 1940, a week after Adolf Hitler had unleashed his war juggernaut along the Western Front. Already other Wehrmacht commanders were complaining that the forty-eight-year-old Rommel was needlessly risking his life by being at the point of his advancing spearhead. Some said jealousy triggered the criticisms.

Rommel was no novice to the battlefield. As a young infantry platoon leader in World War I, he had been wounded twice and received the Iron Cross 1st Class and other high decorations for valor. The young officer had
been described by a superior as “the perfect fighting animal—cold, cunning,
ruthless, untiring, quick-witted, incredibly brave.”

Although Adolf Hitler had met Rommel briefly four years earlier, it was
not until September 1939 that the führer grew to admire the newly promoted
major general, who commanded the troops guarding Hitler’s mobile headquarters
during the invasion of Poland. Rommel immediately hated the “atmosphere
of intrigue,” but his close association with Hitler resulted in his being
given command of the 7th Panzer Division.

Now, at the head of his panzers, Rommel rolled westward at speeds up to
forty miles per hour. It was a new type of warfare. His tanks, instead of halting
when confronted by determined opposition, fought on the move, swiveling
their turrets to fire in different directions.

Night fell. Rommel’s men were near exhaustion. Keep going, the leader
ordered. By the light of the moon, he could discern the shadowy figures of
French soldiers, panic-stricken by the roar of the panzers, which were supposed
to be forty miles to the east.

It was not until 6:15 A.M. that Rommel finally called a halt. His panzers
had fought and driven nearly fifty miles during the past twenty-four hours.
Although he had not realized it because of a breakdown in radio communications,
he and his spearheading tanks had far outrun the main body of his division.

He was twenty miles behind French lines. Without pausing to rest, the indefatigable Rommel got into an armored car and raced off to the rear to bring up his straggling panzers. No longer
shielded by darkness, he had to run a gauntlet of skirmishes with French units.

At one crossroad, Rommel spotted a group of French soldiers in a field.
Halting the vehicle, he stood up, waved his arms, and shouted in passable
French for the enemy troops to lay down their arms. Dispirited, the soldiers
readily agreed and climbed into a large number of French trucks.

Led by the German general, the convoy headed to a nearby town where
the French contingent officially surrendered. No doubt it was the largest group
of enemy soldiers captured personally by a general on either side during the
war—and the feat was accomplished behind enemy lines.

Source: Daring Missions of WWII  by William B. Breuer, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Photographs obtained from Bundesarchiv, Berlin.

Why young people should get involved in politics?

When I go through the 'political views' section of my FB friends, what I most often conclude is they have zero-knowledge of politics and not all interested in it. What this shows is, the fact that the majority, if not the whole, of our youth are politically-ignorant. That means they take no part in political decision making. This disinterest in politics  implies that the youth of this country don't care where this country is heading. Now this has to change. And so I write this.

      The times we live-in are vicious. Corruption, nepotism, treachery, greed and economic frauds have become the defining characters of our political system and governance, while on streets we are witnessing horrific crimes being perpetrated -- especially against women. Countries such as China, Japan, & Germany which have  experienced monstrous destruction during WWII(about time at which we got independence from the British) have long since surpassed us terms of economic growth and standard of living of their peoples while majority of Indians still languish in perpetual poverty.

So, isn't there something wrong with this country? This particular question should have risen in the minds of our people long ago. But sadly, it didn't. Nobody questioned the politicians. Our parents never asked their constituency MLA of for that matter the local ward member why the infrastructure of the area hasn't improved. This exactly is why our nation is in it's present state. There are too many dumb cattle in this country.

There is one particular trait crazy trait I observed among people. They tend to always vote to the same political party to which their fathers and grandfathers use to vote. They don't care if that party is submerged in corruption. They keep on voting to the same party. What can one describe this as? Insanity. The worst thing is that they pass on this trait to their children . Sometimes it makes me think that it is some kind of hereditary disease!

Now, as the youth of this country, we have to shake off our drowsiness and awaken. We have to come to terms with the reality. Unless and until we build up our political knowledge and take part in decision making, this country's future is doomed.

Unfortunately our youth didn't yet realize this grim reality. They still think pass out of college with good CGPAs, get a good job with fat paychecks, get married, fuck and have children -- that is life. That's it. They don't care if millions of their fellow countrymen are sunk neck-deep in a pathetic sea of poverty, living without proper home or food or clothing , doing odd jobs to meet ends and to quell hunger. Nothing of that sort matters to our youth. They are too self-centered to care about their country. If this continues in the same way as it is now, then we have no future as a nation.
The political class are the main reason for the suffering that our fellow Indians are going through. Their corruption and ill-governance led this country into quicksand. The lack of political will to tackle issues that are troubling the nation is despicable. They have stockpiled cash bundles while they let the poor ones die out of hunger. They should be eliminated if we are to uplift our poor.. give them a chance to enjoy the thrills of life. So to that end, we have to fight the political class.
   It is imperative for us to act now. Right now. There is no more time to postpone it. It's time to question our so-called "national leaders". It's time to eliminate the black sheep from our political arena. We have to question every aspect of governance. Free-willed rational men who have no interest in stockpiling illicit money in foreign banks should be installed at the helm of the Ship of the State.

  Yes! Only criminal self-centered bastards remain silent in these times! Governments control our lives. So we ought control the governments to live the we way we want. Arise out of you slumber my good fellow humans. Let the revolution roll!

Rendezvous with destiny: Hello there!

Yes!  Hello there, ladies and gentlemen & boys and girls! I am Mahendranath Ramakrishnan. This is my first post on the blogosphere! So, let me take this opportunity to introduce myself, my convictions and the purpose behind the creation of this blog.

I hail from the picturesque Chennai city in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. 

I am pursuing B.E(hons).Aeronautical.

I am an skeptical non-believer, though I was born into a Hindu family. I don't follow any particular faith or creed. I a militant-pacifist and a total believer of the idea that diplomacy and will power can solve all our problems. I hate Zionists and I love the ideology of Altruism. I don't sing any national anthem or salute any flags. That's because I hate nationalism. We're all Earthlings.

Political views: Im neither left nor right-wing. And certainly not a communist or a capitalist. I prefer democracy -- real democracy, not pseudo western ones. I like a multi-party system. I support complete transparency in all government chores. That is why I vouch for Wikileaks and Anonymous Hacktivist Groups. 

Among the people I admire(not worship, never worship people) are, Albert Einstein(But I don't like his Zionist views), Erwin Rommel, Bertrand Russell, J.Krisnamurti & Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. I also like Carl Sagan's worldview.

Purpose of this blog: The chief purpose that this blog is going to serve is awaken and enlighten my dumb-as-sheep friends about the absurdities of the world that needs to be addressed foremost. In addition I would also write about anything that tickles the fancy of my workaholic mind!

So, see you around here. And remember, never hesitate to leave a comment on my posts. Don't worry if you're wrong, we're here to mend you!!
